5月 23, 2010

The Gangster We Are All Looking For (2003)


這本我最近在讀的lê thi diem thúy自傳體小說也是以後越戰時期為背景、越南移民為主人翁的作品。其中有這麼一段是主角小女孩描述她母親對戰爭的想法,既迷人又殘酷,兩種意象交織在一起,讓人不由得對這段充滿絕望的淒文字咀嚼再三。這本從各種角度看來都像是打碎的玻璃一般的小說,我讀來並沒有特別強烈的感受,偏偏對這一小段文字的魔幻般的獨特意象著迷。從作者通篇淺白的文風來看,寫出這段文字的當下,對她來說應該也是靈感湧現的魔幻時刻吧。

"Ma says war is a bird with a broken wing flying over the countryside, trailing blood and burying crops in sorrow. If something grows in spite of this, it is both a curse and a miracle. When I was born, she cried to know that it was war I was breathing in, and she could never shake it out of me. Ma says war makes it dangerous to breathe, though she knows you die if you don’t. She says she could have thrown me against the wall, until I broke or coughed up this war that is killing us all. She could have stomped on it in the dark, and danced on it like a madwoman dancing on gravestones. She could have ground it down to powder and spat on it, but didn’t I know? War has no beginning and no end. It crosses oceans like a splintered boat filled with people singing a sad song." (p. 87)

