-----David Harvey,〈時空之間─關於地理學想像的省思〉,頁71-72
"Not so long ago, to publish more than two books in a lifetime was thought to be over-ambitious. Nowadays, it seems, leading academics have to publish a book every two years if they are to prove they are still alive. Definitions of productivity and output in academia have become much more strictly applied and career advancement is more and more measured simply in such terms. ... Speed-up in the production of ideas parallels a general push to accelerate turnover time within capitalism as a whole. But greater output of books and journals must rest on the production of new knowledge, and that implies the much fiercer competitive search for new ideas, a much greater proprietary interest in them. Such frenetic activity can converge upon some consensual and well-established 'truth' only if Adam Smith's hidden hand has all those effects in academia that it plainly does not have in other markets. In practice, the competitive marketing of ideas, theories, models, topic thrusts, generates color-of-the-month fashions which exacerbate rather than ameliorate conditions of rapid turnover, speed-up and ephemerality. Last year it was postitivism and Marxism, this year structuralism, next year realism and the year after that constructivism, postmodernism, or whatever. It is easier to keep pace with the changes in Benetton's colors than to follow the gyrations of ephemeral ideas now being turned over within the academic world."
-----David Harvey. "Between Space and Time: Reflections on the Geographical Imagination", p. 431.